Recently we've experienced the fall-out from a process gone wrong. A no-process, a nocess, if you will. At the dentists.   We like our dentist - he is not at all pushy and does not recommend unnecessary treatments or procedures. The practice sell all kinds of tooth...

Recently, for five hours, we had no money at all. This was just a little scary, especially given that the Onswitch wage run was about to start rolling.   Somehow we had managed to fluff the access procedure for our corporate online banking account, confusing the system so...

Car tyres - not the most exciting things to spend a couple of hundred pounds on, but quite important as routine expenditure goes. Even more important than haircuts apparently.   So when the Onswitch car passed its recent MOT with an urgent advisory comment to replace the...

Buckinghamshire today, and a stop in the most fabulous teashop in and amongst the work stuff. Well, what's a girl to do? Unfamiliar surroundings, but no desire for a corporate coffee today. Strolling along the High Street we spot the usual suspects proffering caffeine and fancy...

Another day, another county. Us Onswitch-ers spend a fair bit of time on the road, which brings us into regular contact with the complimentary toiletries and buffet breakfasts of Europe. Last week we decided to shun our reliable favourite, Premier Inn, in favour of a 4...