
Alongside our coaching work, which encourages individuals and teams to fulfil their potential every day, Onswitch inspires positive change in the field of customer experience through the conferences and speaker sessions we host and attend.





3 weeks ago


Alison spent the evening with BSAVA talking about how to have conversations with clients in the unplanned consults.

We covered a lot of ground and the journey starts well before the consult took place.

Start with the “Bit before you”

What has happened before you say hello?

Life is complex and we do need to know more about how owners end up in front of you.

Their journey matters,
Their start point matters,
And people care deeply about their pets.

Of course we went a bit off piste into skills gaps, loo roll choices and ethical challenges … but we did! Worth a listen if you have access ☺️

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1 month ago


This week we have worked with a practice on enhancing their client experience with a key focus on empathy. How we can demonstrate it, why it’s important for owners to hear and how this can impact outcomes.

Great to see the light bulb moments and as always there were plenty of post it notes!
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